文章(JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 117, 054504 (2015))对铜掺杂SiO2和Al2O3在热力学、动力学和电子性质方面进行了原子尺度的模拟研究,得到不同浓度(9.91×1020 cm-3和3.41×1022 cm-3)的铜掺杂下的定量结果。金属-绝缘体界面导致体系的形成能与块体相比降低大约4eV。另外,本文还介绍了Cu-Cu相互作用对降低化学势的重要性。这些概念的讨论是在关于阻变存储器(RRAM-M)局域传导路径的形成及其稳定性的背景下展开的。电子态密度以及通过这些局域路径的非平衡透射研究确认了透射增大了三个数量级。本文通过原子尺度的漂移-扩散计算,研究了这些传导路径的动力学行为。本文最后对RRAM-M的原胞进行了分子动力学模拟,试图将上述所有现象用统一的自洽的模型结合起来。

FIG. 1. (a) Structure of a single Cu impurity in a c-Al2O3 (R-3c) 2 2 1 super-cell. Red, brown, and yellow spheres represent O, Cu, and Al atoms, respec- tively. (b) Electron localization function in the plane passing through the center of the Cu impurity bonded to Al and O. Blue-green-red represents low-me- dium-high electron concentration from 0-0.5 to 1.0 e/A ̊ 3, respectively. (c) Cu interaction with Si and O in a-quartz c-SiO2. Red, brown, and green spheres are O, Cu, and Si atoms, respectively. (d) The computed formation energy (eV per Cu atom) (circles) and the average charge transfer (squares) as a function of Cu impurity concentration in SiO2.
Cu impurity in insulators and in metal-insulator-metal structures: Implications for resistance-switching random access memories
Sumeet C. Pandeya), Roy Meade, and Gurtej S. Sandhu
Emerging Memory Group, Process R&D, Micron Technology Inc., Boise, Idaho 83707-0006, USA